2011 Middle School League Info

League play will be on Fridays in June and July. Play will begin at 5:00 pm and end on or before 7:00 pm
Courts have been reserved for June 10, 17, 24 and July 8, 15, 22. This will provide six weeks of match play.
Each match will be a 6 game set. If time allows, this scoring format will be modified.
Please bring a check for $30 made payable to CTA (Clarksville Tennis Association). This will cover the court fee and balls.
-You will be assigned to a court with other players of your ability.
-You will play at least two singles and a doubles match each week.
This league will provide match play only. No instruction will be included.
I expect a wide range of ability. This league is for all levels.
Designated courts will allow everyone to have a match with other middle school players of their ability.
If we have a large response, start times may be adjusted to allow more players to participate.
Please let Fran Powers know by Wednesday, June 8 if you plan to participate. she will make the first week’s court assignments at that time.
If you are unable to play June 10, you may still register to play other weeks.
Thank you for your interest in tennis!
Fran Powers